Negotiating Religion,
Race & Sexuality

Implicit Religion UK
16-18 May 2024 Online BST
Proposal Form

DeadLINE for Proposals for Implicit REligion UK 2025

The Deadline for Proposals for the 47th Implicit Religion Conference 10  March 2025.
Decisions will be communicated by 21 March 2025.

General Submission Guidelines
Please indicate if you are submitting either a paper or scratch session, and to provide a 300 (or 250) word abstract; an abridged, short-form bibliography with references to secondary literature and sources; and other information as specified below, including what we need to know in order to accommodate your participation if your proposal is accepted.

Please note while you can edit your entries before you select the submit button, the form does not allow for rich text formatting nor does it allow the submission to be saved and edited later. We suggest looking at the form for context and then composing the abstract and the notes regarding accommodating your participation in a word processing document and then cutting and pasting these elements of the proposal into the form.

Please select the option “ UK Paper” on the form. Those submitting papers are asked to submit an abstract of no more than 300 words, and an abridged, short-form bibliography.

Please select the option “ UK Scratch Session” on the form, to submit an abstract for the dedicated panel for advanced undergraduates, MA, and early stage PhD students to present. These will be shorter papers and rather than the usual practise of asking questions of the presenters, the audience will make suggestions for further reading, pathways for improvement, scholars to explore etc.

If you wish to apply for the scratch session, please select that option on the submission form and submit a 200–250 word abstract, and an abridged, short-form bibliography.

Implicit Religion UK Submission Form

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Information Graphic that acts as a button to go to the Call for Papers for the 2025 IR UK conference and  reads:

Negotiating Religion, Race & Sexuality

2025 Call For Papers
Implicit Religion UKInformation Graphic that acts as a button launches the CFP PDF for the 2025 IR UK conference in another  tab and  reads:

Negotiating Religion, Race & Sexuality

2025 CFP PDF
Implicit Religion UKImplicit Religion
The Bailey CentreImplicit Religion
The Bailey CentreImplicit Religion
The Bailey Centre Gender Agency, & Representation
2024 Program
Implicit Religion UK
Purple Background, White TypeAnupama Ranawana
2024 Edward Bailey Keynote
Implicit Religion UK

Purple background, White Type.George González
2023 Edward Bailey Keynote
Implicit Religion UKInformation Graphic that acts as a button to go to the Call for Papers for the 2025 IR US conference and  reads:

Extensive Effects

2025 Call for Papers
Implicit Religion US

SORAAAD in white lettering.
Study of religion as an analytical discipline