Implicit Religion UK
May 20-22, 2022 Online GMT

The 2022 Edward Bailey Keynote


Welcome to the 44th annual Implicit Religion Conference, being held online, you are most welcome and wanted here. We look forward to a weekend of good conversation, discussion, catching up and making new contacts. As the majority of our presenters this year are from time zones outside of the UK the timing of the conference days have been designed to accommodate and reflect that. The times listed below are BST (UTC+1).
Download a PDF of the Full Program

Friday 20th  May
7:00 - 7:30 PM         Welcome
7:30 – 9:00 PM        The Edward Bailey Lecture

Saturday 21st  May
1:15-5:15 PM           Afternoon Panels
6:40-9:00 PM           Scratch Session

Sunday 22nd  May
1:25-6:00 PM          Afternoon Panels

2022 TheME: Time, order, chaos

Reflections on time, chaos and order are amongst some of the most important facets of human experiences, cognition and change. Whilst being a rich source for philosophical or theoretical speculation, questions about time, chaos and order also provoke discussion of what it means to be human, what it means to relate to other humans, and non-human animals, thereby having the potential for profound ethical and social implications.

Socially learned or embedded ideas, rules, and skills are transmitted and change over time, giving rise to diverse forms of social organisation, belief systems, languages, technologies, and artistic traditions, but what can we learn by focusing on the role of time – both measured (Chronos) and lived or experienced (Kairos) within our research or analysis? What is revealed when we examine the role or purpose of chaos and order? Attempts to understand and define notions, experiences and outworking of time (Chronos and Kairos) chaos and order presents itself in art, myth, literature, philosophy and religious beliefs. The idea of change as a means to maintain order or as a proponent of chaos is one that arises time and time again, but is it realistic or a panacea?

We invite presenters to submit abstracts on the key themes of implicit religion, time, chaos and order. Quantitative and qualitative research from a range of perspectives and disciplines are welcome. Papers might focus on, but are not limited to:

* Time, Chronos and or Kairos, as an agent of change, chaos or order for religious or implicitly religious communities, institutions or culture
* Change as a means to maintain order or as a proponent of chaos within religious or implicitly religious communities, institutions, or cultures
* Chaos and order as instruments of soft power and their impact on religious / implicitly religious communities or groups
* Chaos and order as forms of / resistance to populism (and role / responsibility of media culture) within, by or against religious or implicitly religious communities, groups, subcultures, or institutions
* The role of chaos and/ or order on social learning and/or cultural transmission within, by and in response to religious and implicitly religious communities, cultures, groups, and institutions
* The role of time (Chronos and/or Kairos) on social learning and/or cultural transmission within, by and in response to religious and implicitly religious communities, cultures, groups, and institutions
* The development or conception of time (Chronos and/or Kairos) and its connection to changing understandings of the sacred for diasporic communities, diasporic descendants, or migrants held in ‘limbo’ (detention camps, hostels, asylum centres or refugee camps)
* How understandings and experience of time are disrupted or altered by, for example, dementia, Alzheimer’s, and neuro-divergency and how that impacts on concepts of the sacred/religious or implicit religious identity and praxis
* How do conceptions of time and change effect the language people use about God, the divine or ultimate reality? Can something which is timeless and changeless be adequately described without resorting to negative language?


Please contactFrancis Stewart, Director, The Edward Bailey Center

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SORAAAD in white lettering.
Study of religion as an analytical discipline